Statute of Mediterraneo DX Club

Article 1

The Mediterraneo DX Club is a non-profit organization that unites all radio amateurs and SWLs (Shortwave Listeners) worldwide, without discrimination based on race, religion, or political beliefs.

Article 2

Objectives of MDXC:

– Provide financial or organizational support for significant DX-peditions.

– Promote mutual understanding through radio communication.

– Encourage cultural and technical exchanges with similar clubs.

– Establish awards and contests, solely to fund expeditions and teams.

Article 3

Membership in MDXC is open to radio amateurs and SWLs of good moral standing who apply through the official form submitted to the MDXC secretary.

Article 4

Upon joining MDXC, members will receive a special membership certificate with a registration number and additional informational material. Club members are entitled to:

– Attend all events and meetings at both national and local levels, except those reserved for founders.

– Benefit from services arranged by the club with various companies or other clubs.

– Use the club logo on their personal QSL cards.

Article 5

All initiatives beyond regular club management will be submitted to the founding members for approval. Proposals that do not align with the club’s stated objectives will not be approved.

Article 6

Various groups, teams, and coordinators at the regional and provincial levels will implement local solutions to promote MDXC’s growth in their areas.

Article 7

All members have equal rights, and leadership roles are assigned to enhance the club’s visibility and growth.

Article 8

The governing bodies of MDXC are the general assembly, the board of directors, and the founding members.

Article 9

The general assembly consists of all club members. It meets once a year, or whenever necessary, and is convened and presided over by the president or, in their absence, the vice-president. The assembly is responsible for:

– Approving the annual budget.

– Discussing and addressing issues raised by members.

Article 10

The Board of Directors consists of the president, secretary, and vice-presidents.

Article 11

Membership may be lost by withdrawal or exclusion.

– Withdrawal: Members can leave the club at any time by sending written notice via registered letter or email to the national secretariat. Withdrawal becomes effective the following year unless the member fails to renew their annual membership.

– Exclusion: The Board of Directors has the authority to exclude members.

Article 12

Each year, during the annual meeting, the board may award a new registration number to deserving members as recognition for their contributions to the club.

Article 13

Regional and provincial coordinators are elected by members within their respective regions or provinces and confirmed by the club secretary. Coordinators will be appointed in regions with more than 10 members and provinces with more than 5 members, with elections held every three years.

Article 14

Coordinators in foreign countries are selected by the Board of Directors after consulting with members from the relevant territories. This office will be established in countries with more than 10 members.