The Mediterraneo DX Club (MDXC) promotes and supports DX operations in countries and islands with little to no amateur radio activity. Founded in 1997 to encourage excellence in amateur radio, the club is entirely volunteer-driven and operates without compensation. With over 1,000 members, MDXC is now one of the most recognized DX clubs globally

It’s April 1997. A group of friends, all amateur radio enthusiasts, come together with a shared
goal: to focus their efforts on activating various Italian islands. In a short time, the group grows rapidly as many new friends join in, and thus the Mediterraneo DX Team is born. Just one year later, the Mediterraneo DX Team is already one of the most active and prominent DX
teams in Italy.
A dedicated group of unstoppable radio enthusiasts activate numerous new and
rare locations and islands. As their reputation spreads, more enthusiasts from other countries are
eager to join the adventure, leading to the transformation of the team into the Mediterraneo DX Club in 1998.
A lot of water has flowed under the bridge from 1998
Since 1998, much has changed. The Mediterraneo DX Club is now one of the most renowned DX https://www.mdxc.org/statute-of-mediterraneo-dx-club-2/clubs worldwide and the oldest active DX club in Italy. With over 1,000 members and support for more than 300 DXpeditions, MDXC has grown significantly. The club has also expanded its services, offering bureau assistance, antenna insurance with damage coverage, and organizing
contests—all included in the membership fee