Autore: Mediterraneo Dx Club H.Q.


33 operators, form all cll area of ITaly, + Sardinia and Swizzerland, for a...

10th Pisa District

Fantastic event from our Team in Pisa, more of 30.000 QSO, in the month...

TU5PCT story

Ivory Coast (French République de Côte d’Ivoire) is a country in West Africa. Its...

VP8PJ qsl service

update March 23, 2020 : we want to clarify for the VP8PJ QSL cards,...

Swains2020 W8S Breaking News:

UPDATE 22 Feb. 2020: Following the disappointing news earlier this week the Swains2020 team...


VU4R Team will be active from Neil Island, Andaman Islands, IOTA AS – 001...

T30GC Story

The decision to activate Western Kiribati (T30) on the amateur radio bands was taken...


TU2R Team will be active from Cote d’Ivoire, (Ivory Coast), 23 March – 3...


OK1BOA, OK1FCJ, OK6DJ. Team will be active from Cote dIvoire, 24 – 29 February...

W8S Swains 2020

From 10-25 March 2020 an international team of 10 operators will be active from...

E44CC by F6KOP

E44CC Team will be active from Palestine, 5 – 17 February 2020. Team –...

5K0K Story

San Andres (DXCC prefix HK0/A) is an oval, relatively small island (13km long, 3km...