E51EAQ dxpedition was “a suitcase type”.
The main problem, as usual, concerned the amount of luggage. I was able to include only 3kg of the personal belongings.
All the rest was technical stuff. I got priceless help from Andy E51AND who installed a 15m vertical on the beach for me and helped in several ways during the entire stay.
I made ten thousand QSOs (including 2100 within the CQWW SSB contest on 20 meters). Conditions were not favorable but I was able to work 39 CQ zones.
The most difficult was 80 meters, where QRN level was S7-9 continuously.
I would like to thank all MDXC members for significant support. Cards are to be printed soon
and my log will be uploaded into LoTW.
73 de Jacek SP5EAQ
TheMediterraneo DX Club is sponsor of E51EAQ.
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