Nosy Be means “big island” in the Malagasy language and Nosy Be, not far, from the mother island Madagascar, will be the next destination of the Mediterraneo International Dx ClubTeam !
So great news to save in your DXCC scheduled dates. First of all the call-sign: 5R8M
The leader Antonio, IZ8CCW and the co-leader Gabriele I2VGW, are happy to announce to the Dxer Comunity that, with the great help of a local friend, Michele 5R8UI, From October 20 to November 4 th 2014, therefore 16 days and 14 nights, they have planned the new Dxpedition at Nosy Be Island. According to the evaluations that they have done, they are confident to give to a lot of dxers the possibility to work this Country in the Low bands, Warc and especially in the Digis modes. As usual the team will be an international team with 16 people coming from five Countries
On the air will be four stations around the clock
For any further news and updates please visit the official web site of Madagascar 2014 adventure:
Any donation will be,of course,very very appreciated by the team.
