Be advised that Op A logs from the top of the mountain arrive late and some QSO’s therefore may not be in the current online log until the next upload. Overall, logs are uploaded about once a day. If you notice that your QSO is not showing up before the “last” QSO in the database date/time posted here, wait for the next upload. If still not there, you may want to work them again.
We do realize that there are some log gaps and the team is doing everything they can to correct the situation. The gaps seem to be related to a software issue with their logging program. These gaps should not reoccur since the log collection process has been changed. At this time we cannot guarantee that we can recover the missing log data. We hope that this is not the case. But we may not know for sure until after the DXpedition is over.
If you have any missing QSO’s in the online log giving appropriate time for the log uploads, we suggest that you try to work them again. NOTE: I will not make any corrections to the log until I process QSL cards. If you think that there was a busted call, include a note with your QSL request. Watch this page for further updates. Check the log after each upload to see if any missing QSO’s have been found. TNX! 73 de N2OO
Late news!! The team has found many of the missing logs and we have uploaded new logs. Please review your QSO’s in the online log.
Thanks for the info everyone. The CQWW 160 Contest logs have not been uploaded yet. The following timeframes are still missing. 1/24 17 SSB, 1/24 15 CW, 1/24 10 CW, 1/25 160 CW, 1/25 17 RTTY, 1/25 10 CW. Rework them if you can just to be safe. No need to email me!! I consider the logs complete now prior to 1/24 and after 1/25. No more emails please. Use the online log search. Thanks de N2OO.


Updated Jan. 18, 2012

Beginning January 18 th the team will be enroute to Malpelo and won’t return until February 10 th.
Your kind contributions to our DXpedition will be properly acknowledged upon our return.
Thanks for your understanding
CU all in the pileups !
The HK0NA team


Updated Jan. 14, 2012

For the last couple of nights there have been many bogus HK0NA spots on the clusters.
While there is a limited operation by the advance crew, and thus some of thespots are valid, one or more ‘slims’ are apparently calling CQ using theHK0NA call. Because CW Skimmers pick these up and place them on clustersthe ‘slims’ are apparently enjoying this new method of causing trouble. Theoffenders probably call CQ until they get spotted by a CW Skimmer, and thenquit…perhaps to head to a different band to perform the same shenanigans. What can a user do to minimize this?

1) Turn off skimmer spots

2) Block spots posted by W3LPL

Using CC-User connected to a CC-Clusters, such as AE5E-1 DXSPOTS.COM you can elect to receive or decline CW Skimmer spots. While these can be useful in some circumstances, the CW Skimmer spots are a target for troublemakers as explained above.
CC-User can also be used to block spots posted automatically from W3LPL.
You can do this on CC-User at “Configuration>Reject Ann or Dx Spots”,entering W3LPL as the offending spotter. These are actually CW Skimmer spots which are processed for ‘accuracy’ by W3LPL automatically. ‘Accuracy’ I am told is measured by matching spots from multiple CW Skimmers…if a
sufficient number match, then W3LPL’s system puts them out in a format which is identical to a normal spot. Under ordinary circumstances W3LPL’s spotting system is useful as it reduces the number of mangled calls. But it is still subject to the ‘slim’ problem outlined above.



Updated 12/01/2012

The “Fabulous Four” advance team continue their work of building the infrastructure for HK0NA with emphasis shifting now to OP. A (top of the mountain). And their spare time making some QSOs with the deserving.

Of course, we are hearing from a small minority that they are doing everything wrong and not listening here or there or whatever. May we suggest you everyone be patient and remember that 16 more operators will be there the morning of the 21 st. for up to 17 days.

Yesterday the DXCC desk confirmed that QSOs made by the advance team , when they used their individual calls, will count for DXCC purposes. Those logs will not be available until after the DXpedition concludes. May we suggest that you work HK0NA also.

We intend to upload the HK0NA logs to ClubLog soon after the arrival of the main operating team. Don’t bother checking the “Log Online” until then.

Lastly, our volunteer pilots kindly request that you not contact them until after the main operation begins!

Thanks to all !


Jan. 9, 2012

The advance team to Malpelo, commonly referred to as the “Fantastic Four”, are working very hard and doing a great job on the Island, despite several days of heavy rain and wind. All of the camp infrastructure and antennas for OP.B (bajo) is now complete and the guys have tested all the antennas.

They appear to be working as planned with good signal reports from around the world, including Asia long path.
The next step in the project is to make safe the climb to the top of the mountain where OP. A (alto) will be situated. Safety lines are being installed along the most treacherous sections of the trail.
Once in place, construction will begin. There will be an operating tent with four radios and 500 W amps and six antennas. There will also be a sleeping tent, as the decision has been made to send crews to the top for 48 hour shifts. This is to minimize the risks of transit up and down.

Under the current scheduling plan devised by W0GJ, each team member will serve on four 48 hour shifts during our stay on the island.
Beginning at 0001 Zulu, January 10, 2012 the advance team will begin using the HK0NA call sign.
Please understand that their primary purpose on the island is to prepare everything for the team arriving in about 10-12 days. In their off time, they may be QRV.

Any contacts made with the men using their home calls should count as valid contacts with Malpelo and will be confirmed through the team’s QSL manager N2OO. Keep in mind their logs won’t be sent to N2OO until after the DXpedition and those QSOs will not show in the HK0NA “log lookup”.
The team has asked two experienced DXers to act as team “Pilots”. San, K5YY is chief pilot and all communications to the team will go through him. Col, MM0NDX will act as the European Pilot. Please check the website for their “guidelines.” And please, do not contact them prior to the beginning of the DXpedition which should be on the afternoon of January 21 st if all goes
We want to thank all of our sponsors for their generosity. This includes DX Foundations, DX Clubs and hundreds and hundreds of individual DXers who have contributed toward our expenses. Contributions can be made via our website at:
We plan periodic uploads of pictures and updates from the island. Watch the website for ongoing news.

Jorge Prieto, HK1R Co-leaders:
DXpedition leader Bob Allphin, K4UEE, and Gregg Marco, W6IZT


The fantastic four” are working very hard and doing a great job on the Island! We are in daily contact with them. They are tired but in high spirits.

Most of the camp infrastructure and antennas for Op.B (bajo) is now complete. Two antennas require further testing.

Today, they made the climb to the top of the mountain (300m), this will be the location for Op. A (alto). The purpose was to survey the antenna and operating locations. It is a fairly strenuous climb, and it took about 40 minutes to get to the top. Afterward, a decision was made to place the operating position and sleep tent at the very top of the mountain and schedule operators for 2 day shifts to minimize transit risks. Set up of the camp infrastructure and antennas at OP A will begin in a couple of days.

We plan another press release prior to our departure to Bogota on Jan. 18 th.

