I.O.T.A. & ClubLog
Well it has finally arrived, what many have been waiting for years to see.... 
9° world Meeting MDXC
24-25 September 2016, Pisa ITALY, We have present team member of VP8SGI/STI – 1th... 
D66D Comoros
The Mediterraneo DX Club is sponsor of D66D DXpedition . Free internal QSL service... 
H44GC & H40GC
The Mediterraneo DX Club is sponsor of H40GC & H44GC DXpedition . Free internal... 
XU7MDC Dx-Pedition 2016
Once again an international team under the flag of MDXC, Mediterraneo Dx Club, will... 
We Opening New Branch on Paris
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc mattis ligula pellentesque nisi tristique... 
Michele, IK5ZUI will be active from Mayotte Island I.O.T.A. AF-027, as FH/IK5ZUI between March... 
E51EAQ: little story
E51EAQ dxpedition was “a suitcase type”. The main problem, as usual, concerned the amount... 
V73D: Photo
The flag of the Mediterraneo Dx Club waving in Marshall dx-pedition. The Mediterraneo DX Club... 
Z21MG: Photo
The flag of the Mediterraneo Dx Club waving in Zimbabwe. The Mediterraneo DX Club... 
We Opening New Branch on Brooklyn
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc mattis ligula pellentesque nisi tristique... 
3XY1T Guina 2016 I.O.T.A. AF-051
The Mediterraneo DX Club is sponsor of 3XY1T dx-pedition. Free internal QSL service available...