TY1AA Photo
We recived yesterday phtoo from TY1AA team, we rememebr to all memebrs the QSL... 8° World Meeting 21-22 February 2015
21-22 February 2015, at concomitance of 13° international “HAMRADIOSHOW” exhibition in Napoli (ITALY) www.aripompei.it... TY1AA
Members of the Italian DX Team will be active from Benin as TY1AA between... VP2MPX QSL
we recived the fiel of VP2MPX qsl. Macao XX9TYT
Andrea IK7YTT is again actived from Macao. 4 to 8 Septemberm with utrabeam antenna,... VP2MPX
Giovanni IZ2DPX is active from Monserrat isl. as VP2MPX. 18 Aug.2014: good conditions for... TX4A Matthew Island
Cezar (VE3LYC) and Bob (KD1CT) will attempt to operate from Matthew Is. (OC-218) for... FROM MEDITERRANEO TO INDIAN OCEAN “release #1”
Nosy Be means “big island” in the Malagasy language and Nosy Be, not far,... DK7TX/P EU-047
we reicved the beautiful photo from Oliver DK7TX trasmmit as /p from I.O.T.A. EU-047 TX7G Marqueses Isl.
The Mediterraneo DX Club is a sponsor of TX7G Free internal QSL service available... 4W/NB3MM
Adhi YB3MM, member of MDXC #021, will active as 4W/NB3MM from 31-July-2014 until 5-August-2014... Indoensia QSL SERVICE
hi members, we recived the OK from Adhi YB3MM mdxc #021 for recive via...