

Adhi YB3MM, member of MDXC #021, will active as 4W/NB3MM from 31-July-2014 until 5-August-2014...


hi members, we recived the OK from Adhi YB3MM mdxc #021 for recive via...

HP2/IK5RUN & I5OYY QSL card preview

We are pleased to see you, the QSL card will receive all those who...

VK9MT Story

VK9MT – Mellish Reef 2014 Gene Spinelli K5GS mdxc#852 Mellish Reef Location Mellish Reef...

7Q7VW – Malawi

After the good experience of 9L0W – Sierra Leone (assisted & sponsored by MDXC),...

CU8/CU3AK qsl ready

We have received update info from our member Jaime CU3AK: the qsl for EU-089,...

IC8ATA tour 2014

Raul IC8ATA,  start 27 April from Las Palmas for 2014 trous , with Boat...

Lesotho 2014

The Mediterraneo DX Club is a sponsor of Lesotho 2014 . Free internal QSL service...

FT5ZM Story

by IZ7FLP Answer : K9CT   1) Hello Creig, in recent months we’ve seen...

Moxon Costruction

Born the first APP for calculations to build Moxon antenna, by IZ8WLZ Nino MDXC...

Panama Tour

IK5RUN & I5OYY will be actived as HP/homecall from Panama. Date of tour is...

K9W Story

by: IZ7FLP Thanks: Lou N2TU 1)First compulsory question: how did you get the necessary...