Welcome to…
Welcome to our new members: Helmut Heindl, Virginio Biangi, Mate Caljkusic, Vittorio Ortiz, Massimo Gagliardi, Alberto... 
Uganda 2013
After many dxpeditions in the past (5V7C, 5H1C, XT2C, J5C, TK7C, TS7C, TM7CC, IS0R,... 
3D2C: Photo gallery
3D2C Team inform us that they have been uploaded the official website with a... 
D64K: the QSL card!
Here is a preview of the D64K QSL-card that our Members will receive directly... 
V84SMD Press Release n.5
Dx friends of all over the World , we are now very near the... 
H44KW – Solomon Islands
Phil, G3SWH and Jim, G3RTE will be active from Honiara, Guadalcanal in the Solomon... 
Welcome to…
Welcome to our new members: Gino De Nobili, Alessio Noro Rossi, Boyko Iliev, Adriano... 
34° Clipperton Dx Club Convention
Sept. 21-22 2012: all Clipperton DX Club members met for the 34° Convention in... 
XX9TTT from Macau for CQWW 2012
Andrea IK7YTT will be active between October 26-29, 2012 as XX9TTT from Coloane isl.... 
T30PY & T30SIX Would Like To Thank…
We are one month away from the start of our operation. PY2DM, Mamiro and... 
Welcome to…
Welcome to our new members: Marco Grossi, Maurizio Massabò, Giuseppe Maiolino, Moreno Parise, Alessandro... 
Conway Reef 2012:Press Release #3
Just received from the 3D2C Team: It is with great excitement, that we announce...