Welcome to…
Welcome to our new members: Marco Campanino, Manuel Vadilonga, Emanuele Miani, Fabrizio Del Grande,... 
CY9M: the QSL card!
“The final courtesy of a QSO is the QSL”. When the QSL is a... 
Elba Is. (EU-028): the report of IZ5NFD
Paolo IZ5NFD sent us a short report of his holiday-style activity from Elba Is.... 
NH8S: a new press release
Just received from the NH8S Team: August 22, 2012 Press Release The leaders are... 
Souvenir from Comoros Is.
Just a few weeks ago the Mediterraneo’s flag waved from the cold Northen Atlantic... 
The MDXC flag waving on St.Paul Is.
The Mediterraneo Dx Club flag waved on St. Paul Is. too! Here is the... 
Welcome to…
Welcome to our new members: Elio Rinco, Paolo Berruti, Fabio Ribechini, Sandro Castrichini, Giorgio Iannucci.... 
Elba Island, EU-028
From 6th to 12th of August Paolo IZ5NFD (MDXC #452) will spend his holidays... 
TT8TT from Chad in October 2012
TT8TT will be the call of Italian DXpedition Team‘s new adventure from Chad. On... 
ZL9HR – Campbell Is. Dxpedition 2012
From November 28th to December 9th, 2012 will be active ZL9HR from Campbell Is.... 
Our member IC8OZM MDXC #313 is actived in IOTA Contest as IC8R single operetor... 
D64K Comoros Is., AF-007
On air between August 8- 20, 2012 D64K will be QRV form Comoros Is., Indian...