
Yemen 2012: MDXC is a sponsor of 7O6T

We couldn’t let the chance slip for our Members. We couldn’t let a so...

HK0NA Story

HKØNA DXpedition 2012 Written by Bob Allphin, K4UEE 195,000 QSOs….WOW !  How does a...

Welcome to…

Welcome to our new members: Claudio Corcione, Nicola Franco, Nerino Pazzali, Tony De Longhi,...

T30PY is the logo of the month in the URE Magazine

The official magazine of URE (Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles), the Spanish Amateur Radio Association,...

NH8S: Swains Island DXpedition 2012

A new sponsored Dxpedition fills our basket: the rare Swains Island. As always, for...

C6AGW: New press release

During the week-end, under the italian rains (cats and dogs raining, hi) Gabriele, I2VGW...

T30PY & T30SIX – Tarawa, Western Kiribati

We’re pleased to announce that is online the T30PY W.Kiribati DXpedition Official Website, available...

QRZ de 3D2A, 3D2T, T2T and T2V

We’re pleased to publish the story, written by Bill Horner VK4FW for all MDXC...

Welcome to…

Welcome to our new members Pasquale Pizzo, Antonio Cucurachi, Massimo Sabellico, Roberto Martorana, Sten Tegfors ,Vittorio Bussoni. IZ3GOO –...

C6AGW, Bahamas Islands round trip by I2VGW

We are pleased to announce a new DXpedition by I2VGW: an holiday style round...

ST0R: the video

On the INDEXA website has been published the full video of the 1st DXpedition...

8R1PY, from the wild Guyana

Alex PY2WAS and Ric PY2PT will be on air from Guyana as 8R1PY. Brazilian...