Have you ever wondered how much direct QSL cards cost you? Imagine what you could do
with those savings!
Mediterraneo DX Club offers all its regular members a FREE QSL service for all sponsored
DXpeditions. QSL cards will be sent directly to your mail address at no extra cost!
How does It Work?
It’s simple! Follow these steps:! Check on the QSL service status table (shown in the sidebar of this site) if a DXpedition status is OK. In that case you just need to completely fill out and submit the QSL REQUEST FORM.
QSL-card requesting sessions are generally available 20-30 days after the end of each DXpedition.

- Come capisco che se i qso inviati siano stati ricevuti correttamente?
andando in QSOLIST, si visionano tutti i QSO inseriti, potendoli modificare o cancellare, i dati visionati su QSOLIST sono quelli salvati sul server - Ho fatto tanti qso con la dx-pedition posso caricare il file adif?
la prossima release prevederà il caricamento dei file adif, i molteplici programmi log e duqnue le molteplici configurazioni di file adif, fanno si che serva un sistema per omologare ai soli dati necessari, quello che viene inviato ai qsl manager, presto avremo questa possibilità. - Come vanno inseritii QSO fatti tramite satellite O-100?
inserire bands a 13cm e modo SAT
- How do I understand that the data sent has been received correctly?
by going to QSOLIST, you can view all the QSOs entered, being able to modify or delete them, the data viewed on QSOLIST are those saved on the server - I have done many QSOs with the dx-pediiton, can I load the adif file?
the next release will include the loading of adif files, the multiple log programs and the multiple configurations of adif files, mean that a system is needed to approve only the necessary data, what is sent to the qsl managers, we will soon have this possibility. - How should QSOs made via the O-100 satellite be entered?
insert bands at 13cm and SAT mode
Th system working good with this software: LOG4OM – BBLOGGER –