NH8S: a new press release
Just received from the NH8S Team: August 22, 2012 Press Release The leaders are... 
Welcome to…
Welcome to our new members: Elio Rinco, Paolo Berruti, Fabio Ribechini, Sandro Castrichini, Giorgio Iannucci.... 
TT8TT from Chad in October 2012
TT8TT will be the call of Italian DXpedition Team‘s new adventure from Chad. On... 
D64K Comoros Is., AF-007
On air between August 8- 20, 2012 D64K will be QRV form Comoros Is., Indian... 
Greek IOTA tour by IZ7FLQ
Fabio IZ7FLQ (MDXC#326) will be active from various Greek islands between Aug. 8-18, 2012.... 
Welcome to…
Welcome to our new members: Salvatore Vitale, Marco Vecchiola, Gianni Bettio, Kovac Ladislav, Andrea Veniani, Richard... 
Conway Reef 2012
September 24th 2012 till October 5th 2012 Our team continues its activities in Central... 
Welcome to…
Welcome to our new members: Massimo Agostini, Luciano Lucherini, Fabrizio Licchelli, Patrizio Principato, Lorenzo Torreggiani, Roberto Nuovibri, Anna Ragaglia, Aldo Russi, Davide Matichecchia,... 
Welcome to…
Welcome to our new members: Diego Berardi, Lucio Attolini, Michele Battista, Luciano Zecca, Francesco D’ Alò, Gaetano Giardina, Roberto... 
C6AGW: the QSL!
We’re glad to show a preview of the C6AGW QSL-card. I2VGW informs that cards... 
Welcome to…
Davide Mazzola, Fabio Cocci, Andrea Cavazzoni, Giorgio Imperatore Antonucci, Vincenzo Landro, Bruno Boglione, Luca Moroni, Angelo Ricci, Giuseppe Galizia, Loreto Mastroviti, Giuseppe Leonardi, Luigi... 
Welcome to…
Welcome to our new members: Michael Chatzimichalakis, Carlo Bonomi, Antonio Cicerale, Salvo Costantino, Giovanni...