The Mediterraneo DX Club is sponsor of Marshall dx-pedition.
Free internal QSL service available for all MDXC Members
Bulletin #3 – (Sep 23, 2015)
Everything is on schedule. In just two weeks, on October 10th , we will start our new DX adventure from Frankfurt via Seoul and Guam to Majuro. All 12 team members are in good shape. The complete technical equipment is prepared for 110 V AC operation and will be carried with us on the flights.
Our crew will be QRV 24/7 from October 13th to 28th with four 500-watt-stations, using a well-tried shift plan. Simple single band full-size wire verticals and loops and three multi band spiderbeams will be used from 160 m to 10 m in CW, SSB and RTTY.
Please have a look at the new great VOACAP propagation tool on our homepage to see the
propagation prediction. Wherever you live, just put in your own 6 digits grid locator and push the run-button (TNX OH6BG). Based on our experience the VOACAP prediction is a bit too optimistic on high bands but too pessimistic on low bands – but we will see. As we have no pilots – propagation reports from all continents are welcome during the expedition. Please be aware that we will not have full internet connection all the time. A daily update at clublog is planned.V73D will continue a tradition of well organized light weight dxpeditions.
At this moment we would like to take the opportunity to thank all individual hams and foundations for their help with information and financial support. See you all soon in the pile-ups!
Bulletin #2 – (May 25, 2015)
The team welcomes Werner, DJ9KH, as another experienced dx-peditioner. We want to operate four simultaneous stations with small light weight amps for full two weeks 24/7.
After the DXpedition we will open an OQRS. QSL-Manager is DL4SVA. LoTW will follow 6 months later.
A daily log update is planned.Bulletin # 1 – (April 28, 2015)
After T30D in 2014 our group goes to Majuro, Marshall Islands, in October 2015. We will get our license at arrival. The call sign V73D is promised. All flights are booked and accommodation is reserved. Our 11 team members and the technical part are well prepared to start another DXpedition. We will do a serious effort in CW, SSB and RTTY from 160 to 6 m.
We say a big Thank You to all of our friends who helped to organize this new adventure.